First and foremost
Before explaining the whole process, from installation to how to trigger an effect by clicking on a character sheet, there are a few things you need to know to better understand how JB2A fits into the FoundryVTT environment.
We create animated assets in webm format and try to classify them in a folder structure that has become, over the years, a large library.
Our main focus is to create animated assets and do our best to provide interesting and cool content. Creating VFX requires a wide range of skills that demand our full attention.
About Automations
Fortunately, other talented module creators, independent of JB2A, have developed effective ways of making the most of our content. These modules are highly recommended if you’re looking for a quick way to create automations.
The following section is necessary to understand how everything fits together. After reading it you’ll know everything you need to master how the environment works and avoid any further confusion.